Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian Aid

EU: Many EU rail companies are offering free transport for fleeing Ukrainians when showing their Ukrainian ID or passport: rail companies in Poland, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, France, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands. In addition Wizzair and Ryannair are offereing free flights to the UK from Hungary, Poland, Romania or Slovakia.

 Housing for Ukrainian families:


  • Our Irish fellow Karen O’Leary is involved in an online platform 


Information for Ukrainians in Poland

  •  Our new Polish fellow Joanna Wsolek is coordinating the help organized by the Krakow Bar Association. You can read more here:

The Krakow Bar Association has a web page dedicated to Ukraine which can be viewed here. The Bar is looking for various forms of help:

1) letters of support, which can be forwarded to Ukrainian legal associations in order to raise morale

2) building a network of contacts in Europe who could:

a) provide updated information about immigration law,

b) provide housing for Ukrainian lawyers and/or their families

c) establish some kind of online cooperation with Ukrainian lawyers, which would facilitate work with Ukrainian clients and provide some income for Ukrainian lawyers

3)  material and medical supplies  (hemostatic dressings- like CELOX, disposable sets (syringes, needles, sets for blood transfusion and drip), tourniquets, disinfectants, painkillers, antibiotics and basic medicines.   

 A Washington, D.C. based nonprofit organization called World Central Kitchen has set up places in Poland and Ukraine to provide food to refugees.  It is a legitimate organization.  Here is a link to that organization:

Argentina: Our fellow Fabiana Marcela Quaini from Argentina is assisting Ukrainian refugees with the paperwork for Argentina


The Dutch government launched a website, which is the online starting point for Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands and which provides information in Dutch, English, Ukrainian and Russian language on:

  • General information
  • Housing
  • Legal aid & registration
  • Health care
  • Family
  • Activities & Buddies
  • Babies & kids
  • Pets
  • Mobile & internet
  • Food, clothes & goods
  • Education
  • Work and Income


 Need practical help once you are in the UK? Or are you able to help welcome people then please contact  Yuliya Ousdina. Email: 

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