Fundraising Initiatives

Fundraising Initiatives

The International Red Cross operates in multiple countries and is responding to urgent humanitarian needs.

The UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is working to ensure that individuals forced to flee their homes are sheltered and safe.


Official account of the National Bank of Ukraine: 

Come Back Alive Foundation: 

Army SOS Foundation:

A Ukrainian charity delivering much needed medical and military equipment to Ukraine:


Donations for our Ukrainian friends can be sent to District Bar Association in Krakow,  17 Batorego Street, 31-135 Krakow, POLAND or direct to the account of Krakow Bar Association  IBAN: PL65 1050 1445 1000 0090 3043 5714   BIC (SWIFT): INGBPLPW,  Transfer referencee: « self-management of the Bar: Aid for Ukrainian lawyers ».

The Netherlands:


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