
IAML Cambridge University Travel Studentships 2013

Posted: 30 May 2013

The winners of the IAML Cambridge University Travel Studentships for 2013 are Maya Kaye and Eleanor Lowes.

The winners are pictured here with judges Nick McBride, Fellow and Director of Studies in Law at Pembroke College, Cambridge and IAML Travel Studentship Administrator and Jens Scherpe, IAML Associate Fellow, and Fellow and Director of Studies in Law at Caius College, Cambridge as well as David Salter, IAML Past President who founded the scheme.

Maya is a 20 year old undergraduate student in her second year of studying Law at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge.  Her winning essay was on the consistency of the twin policy aims of promoting parental responsibility and enforcement simultaneously in a child maintenance system. 

" Promoting parental responsibility and enforcement simultaneously in the child maintenance system; are these policy aims consistent? "

 Eleanor is also in her second year studying Law at the University of Cambirdge in Clare College.  Her winning essay looked at the issue of whether civil partnerships in England and Wales are discriminatory in that they are currently only open to same sex couples, reviewing international comparisons.

" Civil partnerships are open only to same-sex couples. Does this discriminate against opposite-sex couples? What effect will the Gay Marriage Bill have on this discrimination? "

Click on the essay titles to download and read these excellent essays.

Maya is to take up her internship with Lawrence Moskowitz in Santa Rosa, California and Ellie is to spend her time with Nancy Berg in Minneapolis.  IAML are very grateful for the support of Larry and Nancy in hosting the two interns this summer.

The Cambridge Travel Studentships (alongside the South African Travel Studentship) are part of the Academy's policy of ensuring that wherever possible the brightest young family lawyers are encouraged to pursue family law as a career.

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