Contact Details
QEB Chambers
Queen Elizabeth Building
- + 44 20 7797 7837
- + 44 20 7353 5422
"Called to the Bar in 2003. Family Law practitioner specialising in matters relating to jurisdiction, finance, cohabitation, and children cases, with the main focus being on matrimonial finance. Has a keen interest in cases with a foreign, or international element. Consistently ranked in Chambers UK Bar Directory for Matrimonial Finance, and has been described as "a tour de force", ""tenacious, fantastic on the detail…", ""... a very strong advocate, who is not intimidated by the opposition even if they're a lot more senior to her"."
Languages Spoken: English, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu & Spanish
Practice Areas: Appeals, Arbitration, Child Custody/Residence/Visitation/Contact, Child Support, Cohabitation, Divorce, Domestic Abuse/Violence/Protection Orders, Emergency Procedures/Injunctions, Enforcement: Child Custody, Enforcement: Child Support, Enforcement: Property Division, Enforcement: Spousal Support, Finance: Capital Provision, Finance: Insolvency, Finance: Pensions/Superannuation/Retirement and Employment Benefits, Finance: Property Issues, Finance: Trusts, Modification/Variation: Child Custody, Modification/Variation: Child Support, Modification/Variation: Property Division, Modification/Variation: Spousal Support, Pre-nuptial/Post-nuptial Agreements, Relocation/Removal from Jurisdiction, Same Sex Partnerships, Spousal Support/Maintenance/Alimony