Contact Details
AFortiori Legal Counselors
Str. Brigada VIII, P.Lid, K.5/2
- +355 68 2010106
Ms. Kasmi has been an attorney – at – law from 2001 and on and is specialized in media law and international private law. She is currently managing and funding partner of AFortiori-legal-counsels law studio. Her experience includes civil society and project management; public administration and private law firm.
In addition, Ms. Kasmi has more than 12 years of experience as a professor and lector in the university and is author of more than 34 articles on human rights in national and international journals. Ms.Kasmi holds PhD in media law and has doctorated under the thesis of "commercial activity of media companies" from 2016. She is the author of academic books "Media law – General part (i) and Particular part (ii). She is co-author of mediation law commentary, co-author of the prevention of the conflict of interest law manual and commentary and has participated in the drafting of more than 98 legal acts including (i) the law on registration of real estate with the focus of women property rights; (ii) the criminal and civil code with the focus of libel and defamation; (iii) the mediation and arbitration law with the focus of establishing procedures on lawyer appointment; (iv) the criminal procedures code with the focus of reform of preliminary procedures, etc.
Her native language is Albanian. She speaks excellent in Italian and English and medium level in Spanish language.
Languages Spoken: Albanian, Italian, English, Spanish (medium level)
Practice Areas: Adoption, Appeals, Child Custody/Residence/Visitation/Contact, Divorce, Enforcement: Child Custody, Enforcement: Child Support, Enforcement: Property Division, Enforcement: Spousal Support, Finance: Capital Provision, Finance: Insolvency, Finance: Property Issues, Finance: Taxation, Finance: Trusts, Hague Convention/Child Abduction, Modification/Variation: Property Division, Modification/Variation: Spousal Support, Parentage/Paternity, Pre-nuptial/Post-nuptial Agreements, Spousal Support/Maintenance/Alimony, Succession Law