New York City, USA
27th May 2014
IAML's fifth Hague Symposium took place on Tuesday May 27th 2014 at the New York City Bar offices located at 42 West 44th Street, New York City. The Symposium was co-sponsored by the New York City Bar, Matrimonial Law and United Nations Committees.
See below video presentations and speaker profiles:
Video presentation of Secretary General Bernasconi who spoke about the work of The Hague Conference on international private law "HCCH" in general, introducing upon other Conventions the 1980 Convention on Child Abduction: new signatory members states, current working groups and the role of the international liaison judges
Video presentation of Ambassador Susan Jacobs of the US State Department who spoke about compliance issues related to the Hague Convention and how the US tries to work with diplomacy to encourage implementation of and compliance with the Hague Convention
Video presentation of Chief Justice Diana Bryant of the Family Court of Australia who spoke of her experience with the Hague Abduction and Child Protection coventions and the development of a Good Practice Guide for Article 13(b) - the grave risk defense.
List of IAML Fellows and invited guests who registered for the symposium